First day of Kindergarten: See District Calendar
Kindergarten Roundup
Each year we schedule a short meeting with each incoming kindergarten student prior to school starting. The purpose of these meetings is to create balanced classrooms, while taking into consideration all our students’ diverse needs. To help our kindergarten team learn more about the skills and strengths of each incoming kindergartner. Your child will be meeting with one of the four kindergarten teachers, as class placement will be determined following these meetings. Rest assured, there is nothing your kindergartener needs to do to prepare for this meeting. There will be an email coming out in August with a link to sign up.
Dates: August TBD
Family Connection Meetings
Your child’s teacher will contact you in late August to schedule a time for you and your child. These meeting help families and teachers begin to build relationships so they can work together to help children be successful in school.
Dates: See District Calendar